The mouse ears the boys picked out for their NEW baby brother or sister:)

Well I am not even sure where to start with this post--but we are going to have ANOTHER baby! Hence my huge blogging absence in February-my time was spent barfing instead of doing things to blog about lol! I have been super sick, got 5 migraines, & been super tired. The baby news did come as a HUGE shock (like I think I didn't even think to take a test til I was 13 days late lol) since obviously this is not an ideal time since we still have not even found a house lol, and had some trips planned that are now cancelled, but I suppose it will all work out.
I have not committed to where I will be having this baby since I am thinking we will barely be in our new home when it comes, which kind of defeats the purpose of a serene home birth, but would work!!! Or what if we are still in the apt. because things didn't line up right--I was extremely loud giving birth with Boston lol I am not sure how that would go in a complex?? You can bring a midwife into Gilbert Mercy I guess, but you can not give birth in the tub only labor which defeats the purpose to me so I am not sold on that... (Your telling me that at the point when I want to die your going to say "ok get up and move to the bed now to push out your kid" I might use some vulgar language in that situation) Plus I would have to sign a bunch of papers telling them to not give me a IV yadayadayada... So I still have no clue what to do lol... I am currently 12 1/2 weeks and due at the end of September. So I will be praying for an answer on what to do--hopefully it comes sooner than later:)
I suppose the most next popular comment/question I get is "Are you hoping it's a girl--if not will you have another" lol ummmm No I will not be having another! We wanted 3 kids eventually regardless of what they were--in fact I am not sold on the "needing a girl" philosophy... My Mom says my reasons for wanting all boys is extremely selfish lol but I am just being honest:) Who wouldn't love getting flowers from 4 boys on holidays lol?? I won't share any more reasons until I know what we are having, and obviously after watching some different things with family and friends all we really want is a healthy baby--which sounds very cliche but is true.

We will love it with all of our hearts no matter what sex it is! Cannot wait to meet "it". :)
A healthy baby is the best baby! And you guys make gorgeous ones! So happy for your family of five!
CONGRATS SMITH FAMILY!!! I know it came as a shock, but God has a wonderful reason for this and you are such a wonderful Momma Shannon! PS. I don't know what I would have done w/ a girl either lol! I'm sure if you have one though she will be an angle on earth ; )
I am so happy for you Shannon. Good thing it takes 9+ months to make a baby lol. It is funny that we are on the same timeline (I'm 10 1/2 weeks now), just wish we lived closer. I am sure it will all work out and whether it is a boy or a girl you will love it to death just like your other two.
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