Boston has LOVED his crib since about 10 weeks old--putting himself to sleep and sleeping long hours in it so I was not looking forward to putting him in a bed, but because the baby I decided now was as good as time as any to try especially while I am still mobile in case it involved lots of trips back and forth... Well its been 3 days now and I would say it is going pretty good. He plays for 30 mins-1 hour and half before nap, but he listens and does not come out--he has gotten smarter and goes up in the bed now instead of falling asleep on the ground lol. And so far at night he doesn't play he just goes to sleep--I'm thinking its because its dark?? I am hoping it continues to go well, and now it won't be like the baby came and stole his bed lol.
*Also excuse the mismatched bedding on the bed--I refuse to put any of the new bedding on our beds til we move lol--I know I am weird, but this is not our home so its a little bit of a free for all:)

This is the 1st day of telling him to take a nap-he fell asleep 1.5 hour later

This was in the morning after he slept thru the night the 1st night in the bed
1 comment:
Wow, lucky you! Gabby is still not very good at getting herself to sleep in her own bed alone...
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