Tuesday, February 14, 2012

L-O-V-E is in the Air

Valentine's Day this year was extremely laid back... We originally had dinner reservations, but I was still getting over being sick, and recovering from my sister in laws wedding the day before lol--so we cancelled them and Mark made me exactly what I asked for, and even made the boys each a steak... Mark got me the SWEETEST present ever--he stalked my PINTEREST boards and got me a bunch of supplies to make quite a few things on my craft board. Then he also went Goodwilling/Thrifting for things I can give a make-over! All things I have been dying to do for the new house that we have not bought yet lol! Trey had a Pancake Valentine Party at school that he LOVED... {Mrs. Stacey must make some good pancakes} and he got some of the cutest Valentines from his classmates! Then we stopped by to visit with GiGi who got the boys the cutest little Valentine treats--toy cars from Cars 2 & candy! Even though I felt pretty crappy all day I was still blown away at all the thoughtfulness Mark put into the day--now I need to make it up to him lol because I didn't even get him a card yet!!
Yes their shirts say "Mom's Boys"

It was a huge tub full of supplies and treasures:)
And my 2 non junk pieces that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!!
These were Trey's cute Valentine's for school
Here is Daddy making the Rocket ship treats for his class--seriously I was so grateful he did this for me!

Trey getting his Valentine from us at school:)


SplendidlyImperfect said...

What a good husband/dad! I am LOVING that cake plate too. Ruffly edges are my favorite!

Shayla Van Hofwegen said...

You seriously have the sweetest & most thoughtful hubby... GO MARK!

~Miller Family~ said...

Wow! What a man!!! You are one blessed Momma ; )

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