Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Busy Busy Day

Bouncing and playing with a broken toe is no bueno!!! (Yes I broke it yesterday at Trey's gym class)
Of course Shooting hoops
Painting with trucks

We had such a busy but FUN day today!!!! 1st we met Trey's friends Audrey, Izzie, and Lauren at Bounce Jungle then we all went to Chick-Fil-a. Then we came home for some nap time and then headed over to another friends house from our play group for some painting with little trucks!!!! This was for sure a hit!!! And did I mention that Boston was with us at both places and slept the whole time????

Monday, June 28, 2010

4 Months

They said this stuff tastes very bitter...
Yes it stained his lips for a good 6 hours!

Well today you had your 4 month check up!! It was a rough appointment because besides your shots you had a little thrush that keeps holding on so we got this very bizarre treatment that is this black purple paint like liquid that they smeared all over your mouth!!! Of course I had a nice cute burp cloth with me that was WHITE that is now ruined and stained but I suppose thats ok if it makes you better! They sent it home with me to reapply once 2 more days in a row so we will see how that goes...
I feel like this was a big month for you in things you started doing...
-Weight 13lbs 11oz
-you started holding and playing with little toys and bringing them to your mouth
-you love love love to just watch your big brother and when he comes to give you some attention you smile instantly and I love seeing your face light up!
-are just so stinkin happy all the time! Your days are full of smiles and laughter and the O-N-L-Y time you cry is when you are really hungry or really tired.
-Your laugh is also the funniest sound--its like you laugh in your throat
-You are in 3-6 month clothes
-Coo and goo and squeel alot during the day
-You are sleeping anywhere from 6-9 hours a night in your crib!!!!!
Boston I love you more and more each day. You are my baby boy and I can't get enough of you, when I'm away from you for even an hour I miss you and can't wait to get home to see you. It has been a great 4 months having you apart of our family! You are such a special little gift from God!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well Boston is 4 months TODAY!!!! So I fed him some fresh pureed bananas! (Yes I know people have all different views on when to do what so dont leave me comments if you think I should wait til 6 months to feed my kid--he's human so I dont think it's that big of deal lol) Here is the 1st video of him ever eating!!!! The new thing now my pediatrician said is that you don't have to do cereal 1st so thats why I did bananas. He LOVED them!!!!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Actually caught him talking

Trey you have been stubborn my friend with the whole talking thing. You randomly would repeat words for us the past 6 months but then would quit saying them for whatever reason. Well I would say this last week you have made some drastic changes in your speech and try to copy EVERYTHING people say now!!!! Literally 1 week ago today you started calling me Mommy and now you don't ever stop lol. Besides Shaw your name needs to end in the "EEEEE" sound for Trey to actually say your name at the moment...


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Like any holiday with our families we had a jam packed weekend!! For Father's Day we went to church and then to True Food for lunch with my dad and then to Oregano's for my father-in-law. By the time we got home it was already almost 6 so we took a family swim and then put the boys to bed!!! Even though Mark didn't have a "meal" for him I did bring him his coffee to him in bed and made muffins for breakfast--Happy Father's Day babe--we LOVE you so much and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who is so hands on with the kiddos!!!
After church-this is the 1st Sunday Trey did NOT cry when we put him in the nursery-woohoo!!
At Oregano's
This is what I made for my father in law for Fathers Day and I LOVE it!! It has a picture of Mark, and our boys all dressed up as cowboys for the Honeybears in Tempe...
Trey in the midst of saying "cheese" for the pic
Playing with his dough at PaPa's dinner
Boston's 1st Swim on Father's Day

These were actually Saturday but somehow they got switched...
First we had my sister's birthday dinner at Culinary Dropout on Saturday...
Hitching a ride form Uncle Arie
Trey loves his Aunt Shayla!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
This is what Boston did the entire dinner-lovely!!!
At Shayla's birthday dinner
Poppie with the boys

Friday, June 18, 2010

Brotherly Love

So normally I am NOT a kisser on the lips when it comes to family members (besides husbands & wives) I dont know why, but it grosses me out lol!!!! Well Trey LOVES to kiss on the lips so I do now with him but I keep my lips very tightly pursed together--this also really grosses me when he tries to kiss other people so I am trying to teach kiss on the cheek-lol. Anyways he loves to kiss Boston on the head or on the lips... And then why not end it with some friendly hitting?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sleepy Ice Cream

Today we went over to my parent's house for lunch and swimming after church. My brothers took him swimming and set up the basketball hoop by the pool so he was in heaven. Trey has been a little stubborn with his napping schedule so of course when he saw everyone he was not going to go down. So no nap plus swimming= eating ice cream like his uncles but falling asleep in the process. It was so funny to watch lol by far my favorite video of him so far!!!


Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today Presley came over to swim with Trey--they had so much fun!! Trey is CRAZY in the pool and has NO fear! He will jump off the tallest part of our waterfall even if nobody is there to catch him. I am glad he is not afraid of the water but this too makes me very nervous--because he does not get your attention when he wants to go he just goes and he loves going all the way under water and seems to know how to hold his breath.
Lounging away...
Lunch time


Thursday, June 10, 2010


Here are the boys around the same age in the same onsie-lol-these 2 crack me up!!!
Trey at 3 months 1 week
Boston 3 months 2 weeks

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

He Flirts too!

Boston found his voice now and he loves to use it especially if you talk with him!

Gym class

So Trey has been taking a gym class for about 3 months now and has come such a long way!!!! When he started he could not jump and now he bends his knees and gets both feet off the ground at the same time. He is still a little timid of the trampoline though. And on the bars he is getting so strong he can hang on his own forever now!!!! At the end of every class you get a sticker and stamp and Trey actually sits there and waits for it now with his legs folded like he is suppose to. The only issue for Trey and this class is that there is a big hoop and balls around so he is VERY distracted and only wants to play basketball so I just found a class that is only basketball that we will be doing next!!!

Doing a little dance

Sticker time
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